
首页 > 产物中心 > 美国HF scientific > 10478便携式余氯/总氯仪 > HF 09951美国HF 09952 便携/在线总氯试剂

美国HF 09952 便携/在线总氯试剂

简要描述:在线余氯/总氯麻花星空传媒有限公司 HF CLX
便携式余氯/总氯麻花星空传媒有限公司 HF10478
总氯试剂 HF 09951 30天用量
余款试剂 HF 09952 30天用量

  • 产物型号:HF 09951
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2016-09-28
  • 访&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;问&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;量:2778
品牌HF Scientific/美国

在线余氯/总氯麻花星空传媒有限公司 HF  CLX  20040
便携式余氯/总氯麻花星空传媒有限公司   HF10478
总氯试剂 HF 09951  30天用量
余款试剂 HF 09952  30天用量

20040CLX Online Residual Chlorine Monitor for Free or Total Chlorine 100-240 VAC 47-63Hz 150 VA includes 4-20mA and RS-485 with Modbus, backlit display, inline pressure regulator, power supply, replacement tubing/cuvette kit (one year supply) and owner's manual. REAGENT KITS MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARAY! If the application combines high humidity with cold sample water, purchase a #09944 desiccant cartridge separay.


09935Original liquid kit reagent - free chlorine 60 day supply
09936Original liquid kit reagent - total chlorine 60 day supply
09937Original liquid kit reagent - free chlorine 12 month supply
09937XDry kit reagent - free chlorine 12 month supply
09938Original liquid kit reagent - total chlorine 12 month supply
09938XDry kit reagent - total chlorine 12 month supply
09944Desiccant cartridge - use in high humidity, cold water sample applications
09946Zero calibration kit - 120 volt 60Hz
09947Original liquid kit reagent - free chlorine 30 day supply
09947XDry kit reagent - free chlorine 30 day supply
09948Original liquid kit reagent - total chlorine 30 day supply
09948XDry kit reagent - total chlorine 30 day supply
09950Replacement tubing/cuvette kit - one year supply with cuvette
09950Replacement tubing/cuvette kit
09951J.A.W. kit reagent - free chlorine 30 day supply
09952J.A.W. kit reagent - total chlorine 30 day supply
09953J.A.W. kit reagent - free chlorine 60 day supply
09954J.A.W. kit reagent - total chlorine 60 day supply
09955J.A.W. kit reagent - free chlorine 12 month supply
09956J.A.W. kit reagent - total chlorine 12 month supply
19045Auto adapter 12 volt
20779SPower Cord 120VAC
24429Replacement PCB module - includes LCD, keypad, pump and tubing
25017SCheck valve kit - for CLX instruments shipped after Aug 2007. Includes check valves, duck bill valves, end caps and pump tubes
25018SFlow through cuvette (replacement)
25018SFlow through cuvette (CLX)
28316Low pressure adapter
98878Demo stand - CLX


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